Wednesday, October 19, 2011


All good things go by three. The Egyptian triangle (the so called Pythagorean 3:4:5 triangle) represented the universal nature of Father (Osiris) + Mother (Isis) = Child (Horus), the trinity of creation, the recipe for the continuity of life. To construct the sacred triangle, the Egyptians used a rope with 13 knots, also used by the cathedral builders. The Shekinah in Judaism is thought to be Yahweh’s feminine aspect, forming about the same trinity together with the son. Brahma (the creator) - Vishnu (the sustainer) - Shiva (the destroyer) form the trinity in Hinduism, reflecting the essential ‘law of three’. It also brings to mind the three worlds of the Druids, the Celtic knot or Triquetra and the Triskele. One, two and three are the base of almost every spiritual system, because they show how the three separate essences are interconnected.
While the circle stands for harmony -  wholeness - eternity - the cosmos - the all in one - the unknowable drive behind life - the infinite cycle - the sun and the moon; the triangle represents the threefold nature of creation - the union of polarities - the three essential elements in alchemy (mercury, sulfur, salt) - the threefold nature of man (mind, body, spirit). Also: past, present, future - creation, preservation, destruction - thought, feeling, emotion - sun, earth, moon -  birth, life, death… The list is almost endless.
In the human mind, three-ness expresses the tendency of polarities to unite by balancing each other, the relation between two opposites. In the field of emotions and feelings we find the dualities: pleasure-pain, excitement-depression, confidence-fear, attraction-repulsion, love-hate. Balancing of polarities can be done by: creation of a new being (or a new reality) or adjustment of the opposite poles by means of an "intermediary", a principle higher than both. Two becomes three. Some examples of “trinities”: sympathy - antipathy - indifference, optimism - pessimism - realism, excitement - depression - apathetic calm. True balance is never achieved, it would mean a complete standstill, there’s a constant tension between the two.
In the physical world, the most commonly polarities are magnetic fields and the positive and negative poles in electricity. These polarities are the basis of the constitution of matter. Helium, the second atom, is the first element consisting of three parts: a nucleus of charge surrounded by two electrons. Sexual polarity in nature, the union of two physical elements, has a creative effect: the fusion brings about the birth of a new being, which is the big mystery of procreation.

The knotted rope

Reims cathedral: one big rose window, two towers, three entrances

Reconstruction of the Medieval trilobe

The Triquetra: three Mandorlas interwined.

Osiris, Isis, Horus

Circle divided in three equal parts starting from the Mandorla

The unity of the three


1 comment:

  1. When this takes place in man, then everything in him is sanctified and the true baptism of rebirth of the spirit has been reached. Through such baptism a person makes himself a true friend of God and is in himself just as perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect. And I say to you all explicitly, that you all must strive for it with all your strength, to become equally perfect as perfect is the Father in heaven! Who is not that perfect, does not get to the Son of the Father.
    But who is the Son? The Son is the Father's love. He is the love of the love, He is the fire and the light, He is the Son of the love or the Father's wisdom. But if the image of the Father is in you, it must be in all as perfect as the primordial Father Himself, otherwise it could not be the image of the Father; but if the image is not perfect, from where will man obtain wisdom, or how should man get to true wisdom?
    Just as the Father always finds Himself in Me, I also find Myself in the Father, and in the same way you must find yourself in yourself, then you also will find yourself in God, and God will find Himself in you. Like I and the Father are one, you also must first become one with the image of the Father in you. If so, then you have become one with Me and with the eternal Father in Me, while I and the Father in Me are perfectly one from eternity!"
    [GGJ 4.110.14] Here the disciples said: "Lord, we do not understand this! You are becoming hard with Your teaching! We ask You most imploringly, that You explain Yourself in this regard more clearly!"
    Says I: "Are you then also still imprudent? For how long I still have to endure you like that? O you still strongly blind type! But to you it will be given, to understand the secret of the kingdom of God on earth!
    Where do you have the thoughts of your hearts? Several times I already have explained it to you who is the Father and who is the Son, that Father and Son relate to each other like the relationship between love and wisdom, or like warmth and light. I have shown to you, how the light is of no use without the warmth, but also a warmth without light cannot ripen the ears on the field. I have shown to you how from warmth always a light originates, because the warmth is the first expression of any given activity; but the appearance of an activity is the light, which increases as any orderly activity increases, and still you don't understand the 'unity' of the Father and the Son, and the 'unity' between you and Me!"
    [GGJ 4.110.17] Say the disciples: "Lord, do not become cross with us! We... ><
