Thursday, September 29, 2011


Geometric patterns can be found everywhere in nature, not only on a macroscopic level, but also on a microscopic one, in the organic world, as well as in the inorganic world. Many of these patterns seem to be what could be called “archetypal structures of matter and organisms”, in other words: of life. They seem to serve as the blueprint for all creation. Crystals, snowflakes, snails, shell fish, flowers, space constellations: all show geometric, Fibonnaci, golden mean and fractal proportions. In 2010, an international team of researchers have even observed a quantum symmetry hidden in solid state matter that shows the Golden Ratio. Our eyes scan an object the fastest when it is shaped following this same ratio. It seems that geometric patterns are integral features of the design of nature, the genesis of all form. Even our mind works in a geometric way. People experience round objects as ‘soft’, feminine, while angular objects are experienced as ‘hard’ and masculine, for example.                      
The ancients knew that geometric patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of consciousness, because mind and matter reflect each other. Mind and matter are ruled by the same ‘principles’ and are enclosed inside the same framework. To most esoteric schools, sacred geometry integrates the physical perceived universe with the spiritual and unknown cause behind it. The Hermetic law of correspondence says: that which is above is like that which is below. We could even add: the inside is the reflection of the outside. Sacred geometry exceeds the different religions, it has its own spiritual implications. You don’t have to be a Christian or a believer to understand and experience the spiritual essence of a cathedral which is the expression of the unknown behind creation. The Qabalah calls this principle “Ein Soph Aur”, the limitless light, which can’t be approached nor understood by man. It's the inexpressable. In other words: not an anthropomorphic, humanized ‘higher being’ at all.

Sacred geometry is a universal phenomenon. In Europe, it can be traced back to Neolithic times and to the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. Pythagoras got his famous triangle, based on the 3:4:5: proportions, from Egypt. Plato wrote in his Timaios that all the Greek inventions originated in Egypt. Later, the early church fathers integrated the Greek basic sacred geometry and Neo-Platonic philosophy in their teachings.
Most geometric patterns can be found in folk art, like samplers and quilts. Also on daily use objects like old dishes, clothes, furniture and so on. They are also induced by the use of psychedelic drugs like LSD and Ayahuasca. This is pretty good evidence for the fact that they are ‘archetypal’. Isn’t it amazing: the patterns our bodies and nature are made of, are the same as the patterns our minds generate.

Patterns made by sound and sand:
Tungsten atom, enlarged 2 000 000 times, and Solsticial Quadrilateral
Old Celtic knotwork and sculpture behind the altar at Avioth
Snow crystals and patterns in fluids
1798 Quaker sampler
Dendera Zodiac, Egypt
Tibetan Mandala

Kerb Stone K 13, 3500 BC, Knowth, Ireland

Westminster Abbey


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